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Friday, February 25, 2011

Architecture Inspired Designs

For my final project, I looked into architecture like I said in the last blog. These are some of the illustrations I came up with. What I also did was not just look at the building structure on the outside, but also the structure on the inside because there were also some structural shapes in there.

These are some of the designs I came up with for my project and they are the final designs of the collection. They look quite daring, but isn't fashion all about daring people to wear clothing they have never worn before?

This is the design board I made for my collection. I placed images of where my inspiration came from on the background and had my designs placed ontop of them so that people would know where I got my inspiration from and exactly what I looked at. I alternated the colours in one of then to see how well the colours would work in different areas.

Synergy of Architecture and Fashion

In my opinion, in the future, a number of people are going to change their style and be a lot more daring. There are some Architects I have looked at and I think it woulde be fascinating to incoporate their building design structures into clothing to wear. An example of a designer that incoporates building structure in his work is Jean Paul Gaultier.

These are a couple of the buildings that I think would make amazing garments:

These are all buildings I have looked at in detail and I have also made some designs based on their structure which would be uploaded on the next post.
There are also some designs that also show the different ways by which architecture can be incoporated into a design.

Looking at the designs, you can tell the construction of them is based on architecture. Just the structure and shape of the designs say it all. In my opinion, these designs are buildings....but just buildings that can be worn.


Lately my main focus has been on Architecture. I think building structure is fascinating. What I wonder is if people could actually take risks in wearing structured/ 3D clothing out on the street and not just have them on the catwalk. I do want to make the change so for my professional project I decided to look at Architecture and combine it with a bit of my culture.
I want people to actually have a feel of what the culture in Africa is like so I interpret them in my collections and designs. I think it would draw people closer to the continent and also inspire them not only to look at one culture but look at multiple to get more inpiration.